Dr.Nadia Salem

Dr.Nadia Salem

26 USD / Follow up

Specialized in :

      Treatment of spinal injuries, rehabilitation after operations and fractures, rehabilitation after knee and thigh joint replacement, rehabilitation after stadium injuries, pain treatment, joint stiffness, treatment of ligament ruptures and ankle sprains, treatment of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine roughness, sciatica.


·        Holds a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy from Cairo University.

·        Holds a master's degree in physical therapy, basic sciences, from Cairo University.

·        Holds a diploma in sports injuries and rehabilitation.

·        Holds a diploma in dry needling and dry cupping.

Professional Experience :

·        Worked as a physiotherapist at Cairo University Hospitals, Qasr Al-Ainy.

·        Worked as a physiotherapist and rehabilitation specialist at a true gym.

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