Safaa Mahmoud

Safaa Mahmoud


Specialized in: 

Children Behavioral problems, Teenage issues, Family counseling and guidance, Educational counseling.


  • Holds a Master's degree in Mental Health from the Faculty of Education, Helwan University.
  • Holds a Diploma in Psychological Health from the Faculty of Education, Helwan University.
  • Holds a Professional Diploma in Psychological and Educational Counseling from the Faculty of Education, Helwan University.
  • Holds a Bachelor's degree in Arts and Education, Psychology Department, Faculty of Education, Helwan University.
  • Holds a Diploma in Behavior Modification for Children and Adolescents from the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  • Holds a Certificate in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Holds a Certificate in Psychodrama Techniques.
  • Completed a course in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at Palestine Center in the UK in collaboration with the Center for Sustainable Psychological Therapy in London, under the supervision of the University of Birmingham.
  • Completed a course in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder from the Association of Psychological Specialists.

 Professional Experience:

  • Worked as a psychological support facilitator for children and adolescents at the Relief and Emergency Foundation.
  • Worked as the director of the Psychological Support Department at Qalb Kareem Association.
  • Worked as the project manager for "Anakabart" project, providing psychological and educational support for teenagers in government schools under the auspices of the Misr El Kheir Foundation.
  • Worked as part of the psychological and educational support team at Qalb Kareem Association.
  • Participated in the preparation of the training guide "Anakabart" for psychological and educational support for teenagers.
  • Worked as a facilitator of psychological support groups for teenagers.
  • Worked as a training consultant at the Alimni Foundation as part of the Schools Development Project in collaboration with the Egyptian National Bank.


9 months ago

حقيقي شخص مريح جدا وتسمع كويس اوي وبتقدر انها تفهمني كويس.. ربنا يجازيها كل خير

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