Maysoun Bashir

Maysoun Bashir


Specialized in:

Anxiety disorders, depression, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, trichotillomania, nail-biting, personality disorders in adults and adolescents, family and marital counseling, relationship problems, personal development, psychological and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and various disabilities. Also skilled in behavior modification, learning difficulties, intelligence and personality testing, and is a certified educational and psychological trainer.


·        Holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Jordan.

·        Holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Jordan.

·        Holds a Licensed to practice in Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

·        Completed training courses in intelligence and personality testing.

·        Completed training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

·        Completed training in depression therapy.

·        Completed training in first aid for psychological emergencies.

·        Completed training courses in behavioral disorders in children.

·        Completed training in autism spectrum disorder.

Professional Experience:

·        Received training in psychological therapy at the Department of Psychological Disorders at Marca Military Hospital and the Medical City in Jordan.

·        Worked as a psychological specialist in psychological clinics, hospitals, and medical centers in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

·        Worked as an educational counselor in private schools.

·        Worked as a psychological specialist and teacher in schools for individuals with special needs in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

·        Provided training courses for mothers and conducted professional development for individuals in the fields of psychology and education

·        Member of the Jordanian Psychological Association

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