Doaa Naguib

Doaa Naguib

ICF Certified Career Coach.

Doaa Naguib has had a very diversified resume when it comes to her professional life. Starting off her career path as a professional translator, then becoming a human resource consultant, she finally shifted her focus and energy on career coaching and human development. Being a human development trainer with a variety of programs and Multinational NGOs has enriched her experience and added to her passion for helping individuals on their self-improvement journey. Recently taking her challenge to a higher level. Her passion for helping and mentoring lead her to high school students in an initiative of becoming the first Career/College Counselor at the school. Her work with them primarily was either one-on-one trying to extract their skills, interests and strengths to aid them in determining their career paths, and by giving them workshops that would help them in their professional lives.
Her work for Careerak and DN-Career Coaching centers around providing assistance in career choices and career shifts, providing action plans, mastering resume (CV) writing and interview skills, as well as solving day to day problems and troubleshooting strategies.

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