What is the difference between hypotension and hypotension?
What is the difference between hypotension and hypotension?
What is the difference between hypotension and hypotension? May 26,2022


The number of cases suffering from sudden drop in blood circulation and sudden drop in blood pressure increases every day, which may cause death if the patient does not receive urgent first aid. Today, the Ask website provides you with the most prominent causes and symptoms of hypotension and hypotension, as well as ways to prevent both.

First: What is low blood circulation and low blood pressure:

Hypotension and hypotension occur when the blood pressure is less than 90/60 mmHg, which means that the blood does not reach the brain and other parts of the body in sufficient quantities.

Second: Causes of low blood circulation and low blood pressure:

Hypotension occurs in these cases:

Lack of the diet of many necessary nutrients such as vitamin B and folic acid, or dehydration of the body.

Infection with blood poisoning or in case of severe bleeding.

A problem with the heart valves.

Thyroid disorders and low blood sugar.

A drop in blood circulation occurs in these cases:




Liver disease.

Take high blood pressure medication.

Dehydration due to severe vomiting or severe diarrhea.

Third: Symptoms of low blood circulation and sudden drop in blood pressure:

Symptoms of low blood pressure are similar to symptoms of low blood circulation, which are:

Feeling dizzy and nauseous.

 Breathe quickly.

coldness of the body;

 Pale skin tone.

 blurred vision

 extreme fatigue


 increased heart rate;

Fourth: Methods of prevention of low blood circulation and low blood pressure:

Drink water and natural juices in appropriate quantities throughout the day.

Do not take medicines without consulting a doctor.

Do not be exposed to hot water for a long time.

Increase the amount of salt in food.

Reduce carbohydrates in meals.

Reducing the amount of food at each meal, so that there is no disturbance in blood pressure after eating.

Do not change body positions suddenly.

Avoid standing up suddenly when waking up.

Exercising twice a week to stimulate blood circulation.

Eat foods rich in these herbs: black pepper, ginger, thyme, turmeric.


In conclusion: You should visit a cardiologist urgently when blood circulation drops or blood pressure drops frequently within a short period, and you can start follow-up with the largest cardiologist on the Ask site in complete confidentiality and safety, through questions or booking a consultation at competitive prices with multiple payment options fit clients.


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