What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women and what is the treatment?
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women and what is the treatment?
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women and what is the treatment? May 19,2022

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are prevalent in women during pregnancy, lactation, and other life stages. Therefore, women complain of mood swings and depression for no reason every day, as well as back pain and a constant feeling of fatigue, all of which are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women, Which the Ask website mentions in detail in the following lines with the method of diagnosis and treatment.

First: Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency in women:

There are more than 15 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women, and below we monitor the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women, so pay attention to them.

  1. Osteoporosis:

Our bones need vitamin D to remain strong and dense, because vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and magnesium, and in the case of a lack of vitamin D stores in women, the absorption of calcium and magnesium decreases, which leads to osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

  1. Back pain:

The complaint of back pain among women is increasing these days, especially in the age stages from 18 to 50 years, and it turned out later that back pain is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency in women, and has nothing to do with cartilage or vertebrae of the spine.

  1. hair loss:

Hair loss is one of the strangest symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women, so the doctor prescribes vitamin D supplements for cases that suffer from excessive hair loss.

  1. Depression:

Many girls and women suffer from depression for no reason, and this depression is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency, and you can get rid of it forever when exposed to the sun, and take vitamin D supplements

Constant feeling of tiredness:

One of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women is also the constant feeling of fatigue without reasons, and because of the low levels of energy in the body from vitamin D.

  1.  deficiency:


And to confirm whether there is a deficiency in vitamin D or not, you can consult one of the orthopedic doctors available on the Ask website throughout the day, whether by asking a question or by booking a 30-minute session at prices starting from 100 pounds.

Second: How to diagnose vitamin D deficiency:

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, so the doctor orders a blood test known as 25-hydroxy vitamin D, to confirm the presence of a deficiency in the body's stores of vitamin D, and to determine the dose of vitamin D necessary to compensate for the deficiency.

Third: Treatment of Vitamin D deficiency in women:

After the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency appear, and a 25-Hydroxy vitamin D analysis is performed, the stage of treatment comes to compensate for the lack of vitamin D in the body, and this is done by:

1- The body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, so be sure to be exposed to ultraviolet rays for 20 minutes a day.

2- Eat foods and drinks rich in vitamin D such as egg yolk, cod liver oil, tuna fish, and dairy products.


3- In cases of severe vitamin D deficiency, and during pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to take nutritional supplements rich in vitamin D, but do not take these medications without consulting a doctor.


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